Enhanced, personalized education

Based on diversity and personal contact, the Monégasque education system already excels in the traditional framework, thanks to inclusive, tailored teaching that is notable for its zero-dropout rate and exceptional quality of extra-curricular activities.

Much more than a mere “updating” of teaching methods, digital technology must help children to acquire the skills they need to succeed in today’s and tomorrow’s world. This is how Monaco’s education system intends to enter the digital age, while encouraging responsible use.

Enhanced education…

By 2022, digital technology will boost teaching capacity and communication at every moment of the school day, and also before and after class and during extra-curricular activities. Platforms – in particular a learning cloud – will forge new links between teachers, students and their parents. Digital tools will enhance content development, the personalization of teaching, interactivity and autonomy. New equipment will be available, making for a new learning experience in the classroom, the digital extension of the classroom and online availability of textbooks.

Thanks to the specific training available to students and teachers (programming, collaborative culture), Monaco’s education system will be more soundly anchored in a changing world. It will also have better analytical capabilities to ensure that it improves continuously.

… and a well thought out approach

Monaco’s digital strategy for its education system is based on a careful balance between the best of “face-to-face” and digital learning, and between digital and non-digital teaching methods. Great care is taken to prevent excesses relating to digital technology: specific initiatives will be put in place in 2019 to raise awareness, to monitor screen and radio wave exposure times and to combat cyberbullying.

Protecting confidentiality will be a perennial concern, with a level of data security that meets the specific requirements of Monaco’s population.
In Monaco, the educational digital technology approach is to be:

  • global, reflecting all types of use and all infrastructure, equipment and human issues;
  • a partnership based on a win-win relationship between technological partners and educational content providers;
  • forward looking, because the approach can only succeed by getting teachers involved in setting targets and implementing projects.

Each year, the Educational Digital Technology Summit will help define, update and evaluate the portfolio of educationfocused digital projects. This step will ensure a gradual and realistic deployment of the technology to anchor Monaco’s education system soundly in the digital age.

Featured Project

Coding from nursery age: understanding, deciphering and taking action in a digital world

Since the beginning of the new school year in 2019, pupils enrolled in the Principality of Monaco’...

Discover the project

And in the future?

The implementation of the digital plan, in tandem with the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, will anchor the education system in an adaptive learning approach. In other words, offering its students personalized learning while fostering their development in a collective setting.


a week of computer programming for all kindergarten,elementary and high school students from September 2019 onwards

Major Topics

of the Extended Monaco Program

Major Topics

of the Extended Monaco Program

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