Boosting the value of the civil service

The user at the heart of a first-class civil service

The digital transformation of Monaco’s civil service is above all a response to a need: to improve inhabitants’ experience of dealing with the country’s administration, thanks to a faster, more convenient process and optimized use of their data.

Where many of its counterparts are forced to respond mainly to efficiency targets, Monaco’s civil service is characterized first and foremost by the pursuit of service quality.

A target of 100% of procedures, suitable for digitization, achievable online by 2022

Focused on the user, and a rapid, personal the Principality’s pursuit of excellence. Digital technology thus complements and strengthens a civil service that will continue to focus on forging a more personal physical link between its users and its officials. All teleservices will be accessible from a one-stop portal, some of them mobile where appropriate.

The Principality’s digital administration will be based on four commitments to its users:


Citizens must be free to carry out as many procedures as possible online, simply and quickly, regardless of schedules or working days. At the same time, all of these procedures will remain physically accessible.

“Tell Us Just Once”

With the explicit consent of the user, the various government departments will be able to share information and documents concerning him or her, thus simplifying a large number of procedures.


The user must be able to know the status of their request and when the service will be provided. They must also be able to find out who has viewed their data, and why.

Probative value

Recognizing the official validity of digital exchanges and documents will offer citizens and the civil service an opportunity to digitize most documents. The state will allow any citizen to use a digital safe with no obligation to keep paper originals.

And in the future?

Starting in 2020, Monégasques and Residents will be assigned a Digital Identity. This ID will be key to their authentication, and will offer them smooth, ultra-secure access to all remote services and to their digital safes, and will enable them to sign documents or confirm procedures. By extension, the digital identity may be used for services provided by authorized third-party Monaco companies (such as Monaco Telecom, SMEG and CAM). Lastly, digital identities will facilitate the implementation of elec- tronic voting.

fas fa-university

A modernized, inclusive and sympathetic civil service

To offer this first-class public service, the Principality is building its civil service of the future. Beyond the modernization of its civil servants’ and officials’ working tools and methods.

With this first-class public service in mind, after modernizing its working tools, the Principality will focus primarily on the men and women in its civil service. It is betting on investing in their transition to a digital world.

4000 civil servants and officials trained in 2019 through the Campus

The digital transformation of Monaco’s civil service is based on three pillars:


Working tools and methods will be more collaborative, ergonomic and appropriate for the tasks in hand. To be effective, it must redirect officials’ efforts onto tasks with higher added value and divert their focus onto their direct relationships with users. In particular, the digitization of correspondence will bring about more intra-disciplinary and interdepartmental collaboration. As a knock-on effect of this digitization, the Principality’s ecological commitments will benefit from the drastic reduction in paper consumption

Support and training for officials

Faced with the scale of transformation and progress over at least three years of its deployment, the Principality is committed to the continuous development of its officials’ digital culture and skills.

Inclusion and well-being

All civil servants will be connected by 2019, and all will receive practical support. Convinced that it is a key factor in the delivery of a first-class service, training up officials and improving their working conditions are an integral part of the civil service’s expectations for its digitization.

The Campus : all officials involved in the digital transition

Since February 2019,Monaco’s civil service has been able to rely on a new tool, key to its digital transition: the Campus.The result of a partnership between the Monaco Govern­ment and Monaco Digital, it brings together coaches and HR and Digital experts with one goal: to enable Monaco’s officials to assume ownership of the digital transition and become its ambassadors. In totally modular premises, they have access to training, co­construction and co­work­ing spaces, and to a digital showroom and a studio for cre­ating educational content. All civil servants and government officials will be able to receive training and attend collabora­tive workshops in the Campus by the end of 2019.

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